I’m looking for arc readers to join my team for my new Romcom series that I will be releasing throughout 2023. You will get a free preview copy of a book about every 4-6 weeks. All I need in return is for you to write an honest review. Requirements of arc readers: Enjoy reading contemporary women’s fiction and having a laugh, can read a book within a two week period, happy to write a review. The books are aimed to be a light read with humour and some mild sex scenes–nothing too heavy! The prequel to the series is coming out end of December and the second book will be out on the 7th February. If you would like to give it a go then email me on: rosie@rosiemeleady.com          

About Rosie’s Hero-scopes Book Series:

Twenty-five years have passed since the astrology loving Cosmo Club was formed. Now as the seven women enter their forties, with a litany of messy relationships and failed careers following them like a stream of toilet paper stuck on a shoe, the death of Linda brings the remaining six friends together again.

A weekend in their old seaside clubhouse resurfaces memories and a promise they once made. Linda’s last wish makes that promise unbreakable; they must let their life choices be fully dictated by their horoscopes in Cosmo magazine and find love within six months … If they don’t stick to Linda’s plan, they risk losing something they all need; a lot of money.

Follow what happens in this seasoned and spiced romantic comedy series to; Aquarius Laura and her Leo Lion, Cancerian Bell and her search for her Taurus Bull, Scorpio Fanny and her Piscean Fish, Gemini Wendy and her Libra Wolf and Sagittarian Ruby and her Aries Ram.