Life continues to be eventful here in Italy providing me with lots of material for ‘A Rosie Life In Italy 5’ – which I now hope to get finished by the summer! Talking of summer, after the success of last year, I am running another Writer’s Retreat at La Dogana from  12-18 June 2023. We do a couple of hours writing per day and then I take you to explore some of my favourite towns. We also have a picnic in the Tuscan hills, wine tasting, a cooking class and lots more. Last year was lots of fun with friends made for life and lots of inspiration had for future writing projects. You don’t have to be a published author to attend, just bring a writing project you would like to work on, a sense of adventure and a sense of humour! So if you would like to hang out with me and Lucia for a week, here’s the link: Rosie’s Writers Retreat in Italy