Have you got to chapter 35 in ‘A Rosie Life In Italy 2’ yet? The part where I’m finding it hard to breath because of  the four varieties of fungus growing on the bedroom wall and ceiling? We have been working on that room and we are well on the way to having it finished. The ceiling has been replastered, the metal beams exposed and painted copper, we’ve exposed some of the stone wall in the corner, cleaned the ancient terracotta tiles, cleaned off the mould and painted the walls (cream). The light shade is brass and we are buying a secondhand brass bed today. The freestanding bath will be pushed more into the corner–Imagine it with a tall leafy plant behind it and some candles dotted around the stone work.

My  question to you is… we have inside shutters but should I put curtains? And it so what colour and what colour should the bed cover should I get? I will need to buy both online so if you find a link to something beautiful please do share!